What Makes A Great Set Of Hair Clippers?

What Makes A Great Set Of Hair Clippers?

Accessories: Most clippers come bundled with a variety of comb attachments to cut all hairstyles. Lubricating oil and a mini-brush to wipe down the blades are a must-have to maintain performance.

Design: Lightweight, ergonomic, and cordless is nice, though clippers with a cord often pack more power. Look for a model that fits comfortably in the hand, but can withstand the abuse you’ll put it through over the years. Materials like stainless steel and high-carbon steel are high quality, heavy duty materials for clipper blades. Something else to keep in mind? A corded or cordless model. A lot of guys like their power cord, while more guys opt for a cordless model with exceptional battery life.

Maintenance: Look for tools that can easily be cleaned and rinsed to make life easier.

Performance: A good pair of hair clippers will glide through a thick head of hair reliably, while never overheating or producing irritable noise. Take battery life into account too (you'll want to splurge on a model with lithium-ion battery if you have the option) if you opted out of a power cord.

Special Features: Adjustable length settings, powerful motors, specially engineered blades, and even sensors… the more, the merrier. Does it double as a facial hair shaver or nose hair trimmer or even a dog clipper (for the pet owners out there)? Great.

Warranty: This isn’t an iPhone we’re talking about here. Your investment is only as a good as the insurance policy that comes with it. View the fine print and see if the device is covered for at least one year or more.